Baptism: Parents (who are registered parishioners) and godparents are prepared by prayer and instruction at a Baptism class held each month. Call the Office (203-723-7497) to sign-up for the class. Godparents must be confirmed and obtain a Sponsor Certificate from their own Catholic parish.
Communion & Confirmation: If not enrolled in a Catholic school, parents are to “provide for the suitable Catholic education of their children.” (Code of Canon Law, #798) The Office of Religious Education and Formation prepares children and teens ages 5-16 for a life of ‘faith and good works’ as disciples of Jesus Christ. Call the Office of Religious Education and Christian Formation (203-723-0782) for more information.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults & Adult Confirmation: Adults (16+) desiring any or all Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, First Holy Communion, or Confirmation) should call the Religious Education Office. New classes begin each September. Catholics who have already made their First Holy Communion join the Adult Confirmation Program. Anyone preparing for First Holy Communion is enrolled in the R. C. I. A. process. In addition, the Archdiocese of Hartford offers an Adult Confirmation Program every Autumn and Spring. There are six two hours classes held in the evening.
Reconciliation: Confessions are heard Saturdays from 3:00 to 3:30pm or by appointment. Those seeking Spiritual Direction should schedule a private conversation with the pastor.
Matrimony: Arrangements begin with an Initial Interview with our pastor before a wedding date can be set. A minimum of 6 months is required for preparations, including the FOCCUS Inventory and the Engaged Encounter. Call the pastor for an appointment before making any reception plans.
Anointing of the Sick & Pastoral Care: Our pastor and ministers are privileged to visit anyone who cannot worship with us because of age, illness or handicap. Please inform the Office when a parishioner is admitted to an area hospital or convalescent facility. Due to new Federal privacy laws, this is the only way we will know about their admittance.
Vocations to the Priesthood, Religious Life & Diaconate: If you believe God may be “calling” you, speak with Father George.