
The Holy Name Society

Don Duman, President
TBA, Secretary
TBA, Treasurer
Tom Festa, Membership Chairman

Men who honor the Lord through prayer and action, meeting the first Monday of every month at 7:00pm for spiritual and social programs, and to organize fundraisers for the parish.

The Ladies Guild

Judi McKinney & Sherri-Lyn Raimo, Co-Presidents
Judy Cousins, Recording Secretary
Helen Phillips, Corresponding Secretary
Cindy Russo, Treasurer

Women who honor the Lord through devotion to Mary and who meet the second Monday of every month at 7:00pm to pray and celebrate their faith as well as organizing fundraising activities for the parish.

The Knights of Columbus

Ojeda Council #33


Grand Knight: Larry Hanlon

Hopson Building (Naugatuck Room)
180 Church Street

The pre-eminent Catholic laymen’s organization that supports the work of the church and the local parish.

Wolf Den Cub Scouts

Frank Behlman, Scoutmaster

Connecticut Rivers Council Pack 110

The parish is proud to sponsor and support a pack of cub scouts as they learn good values and citizenship. Now in their 30th year, the scouts and leaders thank Saint Vincent’s for their help and support over the years.

Pack meetings are held the third Sunday of each month from 1:00pm to 4:00pm in the Family Center.