Time and Talent Opportunities
We welcome you and your God-given gifts, talents and abilities!
If you are inspired to participate in any of the ministries or organizations of our parish,
please let us know. We can use all the help we can get!
The Finance Council
$Members: Father George, Matt Fortney, Michael Mason, Dave Whidden,
Don Duman, (Trustee), and Helen Phillips (Trustee)
The 1983 Canon Law of the Church prescribes that every parish establish a Finance Council (canon 537) directly responsible for the parish finances.
Membership consists of no less than 3 and no more than 7 members directly appointed by the Pastor and should include persons skilled in business, finance, law, and accounting.
The council should meet quarterly at the call of the Pastor and is advisory to him.
The Pastoral Council
Father George,
Anita Gawronski (President)
Judi McKinney (Ladies Guild), Jackie Duman,Dave Whidden
Joyce Leahy, Nancy Hanson, Judy Cousens, Susane Tavares
Helen Finateri, Jeanine LeVasseur, Anne Turner, Larry Hanlon
The Pastoral Council is a consultative body of the parish, elected and appointed to advise the Pastor on present and future goals. The Pastoral Council gives direction and serves as a catalyst for development. The Pastoral Council is concerned with the pastoral life and parish ministries.
The five standing committees of the Pastoral Council are:
Buildings & Grounds
Tom Festa
People who possess skills in carpentry, plumbing, electrical, welding, and general handymen; to assist in the preventative care, maintenance and repairs of our buildings.
Laborers: Don Duman, Vinny Cascella
Women and men who enjoy planting, gardening, and tending to the general appearance of the flower gardens and scrubs of the property.
Gardeners: Barbara Salerno & Nella Canale
Education & Formation
Director: Annette Whidden
CCD Catechist: A teacher in our religious education program;
Don Duman
Jackie Duman
Maria Hacker
Judi McKinney
John Minasian
Kathleen Naimo
Bob Perugini
Samantha Sbat
Taylor Sbat
Barbara Suo
CCD Aide (Assistant)
Teens & adults who assist the teachers in our religious education program:
Kelly Hennessey
RCIA & Adult Education
Adults desiring the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion or Confirmation:
Director: Annette Whidden
Worship & Hospitality
Chair: Father George
Altar Servers
Girls and boys in grades 4 through 10 who assist the priest at Mass.
Servers: Because our servers are under age 18, their names cannot appear on the website. But we do thank them!
♫ Music Ministry ♫
Talented people who enhance the celebration of the Mass.
Music Director & Principal Organist
Cornell Bialicki
Adult Choir
A choir provides music for Sunday Mass as well as all special celebrations in church.
Sabina Franco
Jane Curina, Helen Finateri,
Lorraine Spagnella, Mary Welch
Andy Brochu, David O’Connor
Don Duman,
The cantor sings the special parts of the Mass and leads the congregation in song.
Cantors: Jeff Bingham, Jennifer Zembruski
People (high school & older) who proclaim the Scriptures at Mass:
Lectors: Paul Beauchemin, Anne Turner-Boffen,
Anne Dembski, Matt Fortney, Sean Leahy, Jeanine LeVasseur, Judi McKinney,
Mary Ann & Emil Sopoliga and Stephen Shulick
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Men and women who assist at weekly Mass with the distribution of Holy Communion as well as the weekly visitation of the nursing homes and parishioners who are homebound.
Ministers: Anne Dembski, Jacqueline Duman, Anita Gawronski, Maria Hacker,
Nancy Hanson, Helen Kelly, Myra McGettigan, Judi McKinney, Helen Phillips, Barbara Salerno, Christina Scappini, Mary Jo Shulick, Shirley White, Dave Whidden, Judith Wrenn, Ellen Zalewski, Paul Paloski (Acolyte)
Sacristy Guild
Parishioners who care for the Altar and Mass accouterments:
Sacristans: Help!
Ushers & Collectors
People who assist in finding a seat and in taking up the collection at Mass:
Gerry Boffen, Charlie Cantilena, Danny Capone, Bob Curina, Jack Deitelbaum,
Ralph DeStephanio, Jean Carlo Fabre, Tom Festa, Tony Finateri,
Rich Gawronski, Andy Hanson, John Henry, Paul McKinney, Bill Phillips,
Stephen Shulick, Emil Sopoliga, Phil White
Spiritual Life & Evangelization
Chair: TBA
Small Christian Communities
Small groups of parishioners gather to reflect on the Sunday Scriptures
and how it applies to our lives
Coordinator: Judi McKinney
Retreats & Missions
Persons responsible for planning the annual parish retreat and mission:
Men’s Coordinator: Needed
Ladies Coordinator: Mary Welch
Stewardship & Service
Chair: TBA
Advent Giving Tree
Parishioners who plan the annual Advent Giving Program
for the needy children and adults of the greater Naugatuck community.
Saint Nicholas’ Elves: Confirmation classes
Cooking Club
A group of talented chefs who prepare dinners for parishioners whose principal caregiver is undergoing medical or physical challenges and can not cook for their family.
Chefs: Joanne Ramos,
Christina Scappini, Joanne Johnson, Jeanne Kennelly,
Dick Paolino, Dotty Deitelbaum, Kitty Stevenson,
Mary Jo & Steve Shulick, David O’Connor,
Anne Dembski, Kelly Jackson, Annette & Dave Whidden
Collection Counters
A group of well known and trustworthy parishioners who count our weekly collection.
Counters: Ellen Zalewski (Coordinator), Helen Phillips, Sandra DeGennaro
Anita Gawronski, Karen McCormick, Greg Russo,
Judy Cousins, Joanne Johnson, Mary Welch,
Donna Hanlon, Helen Kelly, Lisa O’Connor, Caryn Robinson, Dave Whidden
Food Drives
On the first Sunday of the month, the parish collects donations of non-perishable foods
to help supply the town’s Ecumenical Food Bank.
Ecumenical Food Bank Representative: Mabel Herring
Drivers: Mike Richardson & Louise Marie Brewer Richardson
Good Grief
Two parishioners, commissioned by the Archdiocese in Bereavement Ministry,
utilizing the “New Day” program of Sister Mauryeen O’Brien, O.P.,
Director of Separated Divorced and Bereaved Ministry of the Archdiocese of Hartford.
Facilitators: Myra McGettigan
Homecare Visitations
People who visit and run errands for those homebound by age or illness.
Visitors: Karen McCormick
Parish Socials
A committee responsible for organizing social events
as well as monthly coffee and gatherings after the Sunday Masses.
Party Planners:
Anita Gawronski, Nancy Hanson & Ellen Zalewski
Parish Nurse
A parishioner who is a registered nurse and as part of her stewardship to God,
Provides certain Archdiocesan approved services to the parish, such as blood pressure screenings, blood sugar tests, and coordinates Blood Drives with the American Red Cross.
Nurse: TBA
Respect Life
Advocates on behalf of Pro-Life activities and issues pending in the federal and state government:
Pro-Life Advocate: Dotty Deitelbaum